Principal Architects of Arpana

Late Pujya Chhote Ma

02.10.1934 – 10.05.2015

Param Pujya Ma’s constant companion since 1950 – she, untiringly recorded the divine flow of knowledge that emanated from Param Pujya Ma – a veritable elixir for mankind – for all times to come. Her personal study of the Scriptures as elucidated by Param Pujya Ma has imparted an immense clarity, which she shared with all through discourses regularly.


Late Dr Jatinder Kumar Mehta
09.03.1918 – 22.05.2008

Late Mr R.M. Sabharwal
20.11.1929 – 04.10.2004

Late Dr Jatinder Kumar Mehta

formerly Chairman and Chairman Emeritus of the Arpana Group of Trusts

Dr Mehta was Chairman of Arpana Trust since its inception in August, 1962, and of Arpana Research & Charities Trust since its inception in January, 1980. He was Chairman Emeritus of the Arpana Trusts from September, 2007.

Many have said that Dr J.K. Mehta, or Papaji, as we all knew him, was a father to those who were privileged to know and love him. He gave himself unstintingly, taking special care of new members of the Arpana family, gently guiding them, giving emotional support, and helping them to understand and imbibe the sublime truths of Urvashi and the Scriptures.

Those who were the recipients of his love and compassion, and witness to his humility and deep abiding faith are indeed privileged.
To see him serving in his chosen profession as a doctor was a unique experience. He was deeply loved by his patients, to whom he was much more than a physical healer – he was a friend and confidante, and they flocked to him, whether he was sitting under a tree with his medicine bag, or in the hospital clinic. With Pujya Ma’s loving inspiration, he went out of his way for all those in need, free with his money, medicines, and personal time without limit, in total identification, which is the very essence of Urvashi’s practical teaching. Papaji planted the seeds of Arpana’s medical services, and oversaw their growth in the Arpana Hospital and Haryana villages, in the Himachal Centres and remote rural areas from where a large number of patients were drawn to him from amongst the deprived hillfolk. Papaji’s sincere efforts culminated in several donors giving their support to Arpana’s service programmes.

In his own right, a renowned teacher, Papaji was a holistic healer. He submitted to the Spiritual Vision of Param Pujya Ma, acknowledging her Divine Life as Supreme. He was one of those few who truly imbibed and practised the essence of Urvashi, remaining a faithful disciple of Param Pujya Ma till the end of his life. Papaji was a support to many people – whether in broken relationships, with legal problems, or any other need. He would accompany a patient, or accident victim to a hospital – howsoever far – seeing that all his or her needs were met. In the absence of relatives, he would play the role of a caring parent, brother, or son. He was one of those rare ones who give of themselves totally.

Late Mr R.M. Sabharwal

Executive Director, Arpana Group of Trusts

Mr Sabharwal, or Ratti Uncle, as he was lovingly called by the Arpana family, left a successful professional career, first in Burmah Shell and then Resident Director, ACC, Delhi, to offer himself as a servant of the Master. His ability and perseverance in raising funds, laid the foundations of Arpana’s mission for the welfare of the disadvantaged, through Arpana’s wide ranging services in three States of India. He reached out to many funding agencies and donors in India and abroad, facilitating the service of the underprivileged by Arpana in Delhi, Haryana and Himachal. These services are nationally and internationally recognized.

Born to serve, his missionary zeal gave him the passion, strength, determination and dedication to work tirelessly for the upliftment of the needy in slums and villages. Param Pujya Ma’s presence in his life was his constant inspiration.

His humility touched everyone who came into contact with him. For a pilgrim on the path of truth, humility is one of the most integral and essential qualities, and he possessed it in abundance. Despite every kind of impediment, he persevered, assimilating the Spiritual qualities of humility and patience, love and identification, which left a deep impression upon each one with whom he came into contact.

Ratti Uncle was indeed a karmyogi, working without any consideration of his own needs and comforts, oblivious to time, and working far beyond even his own physical limitations. No task was too big or too small for him. He set an example to all who knew him and worked with him, of total giving and identification, which is the meaning and essence of ‘Arpana’. He was a shining example of Pujya Ma’s oft repeated injunction to “Love all”.

Ratti Uncle, busy from morning to night, yet always had time for everyone, and almost everyone who knew him well, received assistance in time of need. He gave pure love to each one of us and to all he met. If there was a problem, he would resolve it, if there was a burden, he would share it, if there were tears, he would do his best to wipe them away and put a smile there instead.

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